Eye catching pay per click campaigns are those that target specific audience and lead users towards clicking and buying the product or service. One way in which you can convince the users to follow through is by using the buzzwords. They are trendy phrases and as such may be short lived in their popularity, but when used at the right time, provide an effective punch in your ad campaign. It is important to avoid using buzzwords when interacting with audience that is not typically the one you target or those words that can create confusion among the customers.
Key Takeaways:
- Buzzwords make a big impact quickly, and can make your PPC ads stand out.
- Look at online reviews, forums and client testimonials for ideas for buzzwords.
- Examples of buzzword usage include freemium, leverage, next gen, and the acronyms B2B and ROI.
“We tend to develop a preference for things that sound familiar, and that includes language. This is called cognitive fluency. When we’re familiar with words, we find them easier to understand — and easier to remember.”
Read more: https://neilpatel.com/blog/buzzword-ppc/